
How to run CPA campaigns

It is possible to run Cost Per Action campaigns following some basic guidelines for postback integration

In CPA (Cost Per Action) campaigns, a postback is a critical method used to track and verify conversions. It ensures accurate performance tracking and billing in affiliate marketing and performance-based advertising.

Siprocal utilizes a sophisticated postback system to facilitate reliable conversion tracking through what is known as a Custom Tracker Link.

How CPA campaigns works

First, in order to send campaign and user information to the advertiser, Siprocal's platform provides a push notification system that directs users to an advertiser’s content through a call-to-action URL. Additionally, our platform supports triggering custom URLs when specific events occur in the ad lifecycle. These URLs, which include a unique ID for the ad instance delivered to a user, are termed as Custom Tracker Links.


Understand how to integrate customizable links:

Capturing and Sending Conversions

The second step for advertisers to run CPA campaigns is to send back to us the event information from the campaign. So, once a user completes an action (e.g., install, signup), the advertiser must capture the value of the client_id and call Siprocal’s postback URL with the relevant information:[campaign-id]&client_id=[client-id]&ad_source=[ad-site]&event_name=[event-name]&event_value=[event-value]

Parameters Definition

Parameter NameParameter Definition
campaign_idCampaign Identifier. This parameter goes in the deeplink and must be sent again in the postback
client_idUser Identifier. This parameter goes in the deeplink and must be sent again in the postback
ad_sourceSiprocal Identifier. This parameter goes in the deeplink and must be sent again in the postback
event_nameName of the event that trigger the action
event_valueValue of the event that was triggered

The first three parameters are filled in and sent by Siprocal while the last two must be filled in and sent by the advertiser.


A proper way to determine if the request is from a trusted source is with an api key that can be present in every event request. This api-key is a hash and it’s provided secretly to the publisher. For instance this key must be appended in the header Authorization and it must be equal to "Key [your-api-key]"

To use the API key, the postback must have the following format:[campaign-id]&client_id=[client-id]&ad_source=[ad-site]&event_name=[event-name]&event_value=[event-value]

Workflow Example

In practice, the process should occur as follows:

  1. User clicks on ad: this ad contains a Custom Tracker Link.
  2. Action is taken: user installs an app or signs up for example.
  3. Conversion tracking: the advertiser captures the client_id from the URL and logs the conversion event.
  4. Postback URL called: the advertiser constructs and calls the postback URL with the captured parameters and the action taken.

Using Siprocal’s postback system allows for seamless and accurate tracking of user actions in CPA campaigns, ensuring that every conversion is accounted for and appropriately attributed to the right partner.