How to Approve and Send a Campaign?

Once your campaign is created, it has to go through the approval flow in order to go live. Here is how it works:

1- After you create a campaign, it appears on the campaign list, inside the Campaign Management page, with the "Ready" state. The "Ready" state means that it is ready to be reviewed by the reviewer.


For the reviewer to be able to review it, you must click on "Submit for approval":


2- Once you have submited your campaign for approval, it moves to the "Pending" state. The "Pending" state means that this campaign is pending to be reviewed.


To start its revision, a user who has the user permission of "Campaign Admin" has to click on "Review":


Then, the reviewer needs to go through the steps of the campaign to make sure all fields were field correctly. At this stage, the campaign is locked for revision, which means that no changes can be made.

If changes are required, the reviewer must go to the last page of the campaign flow, click on "Approve/Reject", then on "Reject" inside the pop up, include the reasons for rejecting (also include what needs to be changed) and click on "Send Comments".

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3- By doing so, the campaign will be sent to the "Rejected" state, in which the campaign creator will have the opportunity to edit and correct it. Once the campaign is corrected it must submited again for approval.


If there is nothing to be changed in the campaign, the campaign reviewer can finalize the review process, click on "Approve/Reject" and then on "Approve and Send".

4- Once this is done, the campaign goes to the "Approved" state which means that it is active is already being delivered to the target audience: