
As new features are added to DR One, new fields and tables may become available.

To handle this issue, the Data Exchange will offer data delivery in Versions.

A Version specifies which columns will be available on each table, and a partner can be safe that the schema of a table won't change while they keep ingesting data from the same version.

A single version is valid for all tables, so even if a single table changes from Version X to Version Y, the partner's pipeline should be changed so that all tables are being sourced from this new version should they wish to consume this new piece of information.

Updating the output version

When a new version is available, a CS representative or account manager will notify the partner on the available changes and the partner may opt to request a change to the new version or keep receiving the current (or older one).

A partner may only request a version change to newer versions. Once the client has ensured they can receive the data from the new version, they should contact the account manager / CS representative to have the version changed.

The partner will receive a confirmation on the date that the change will take effect and should verify on their side that their systems are ready to receive the data in the new format starting at that date.

As described on the Data Organization page, you will se the following structure (hypothetical change taking place on 2022-06-25):

| └─ data_exchange/
|   └─ [Version 1]/
|   |   └─ [TABLE]/
|   |       └─ latest/
|   |       └─ historical/
|   |           └─ year=2022/
|   |               └─ month=06/
|   |                   └─ ...
|   |                   └─ day=23/
|   |                   |   └─ [DATA Version 1]
|   |                   └─ day=24/
|   |                       └─ [DATA Version 1]
|   └─ [Version 2]/
|       └─ [TABLE]/
|           └─ latest/
|           └─ historical/
|               └─ year=2022/
|                   └─ month=06/
|                       └─ day=25/ <------ CHANGE TAKES PLACE
|                           └─ [DATA Version 2]