Ad Exhibition rules for users

To ensure maximum efficiency in displaying advertisements for Data Rewards users, some data display rules have been defined.

First of all, regarding user experience, in principle a user will remain on the Data Rewards page even after receiving their reward and have the confirmation by the carrier. This allows him to interact with more than one ad to be rewarded for doing so. In this sense, it is important to highlight that one user can engage with 3 ads on the same day (without any data limit per user). But also, this same user can interact (and receive reward) with the same ad after seven days. In other words, he can receive a new reward in the same ad, after one week.

In case a campaign is duplicated or the same ad is used in another campaign, you should consult the display rules of each reward provider. This is because there are specific limits for the same ad to be shown more than once to the same user in a short period of time.