Notification Center

In this feature, the user will can review all the alerts and reminders about the different campaign types created.

How to access the notification center?

At the top right of the screen the user will find a bell icon. When the user has a new notification, an alert will be displayed in the middle of the screen and a red dot will be activated on the bell icon.

Clicking in bell icon, it will show the most recent notifications. These notifications will be displayed in the “unread” tab.

If the user wants to access his notification history, he only has to click in the tab “all”.

Notification types

Currently, there are notifications for 2 types of users: Creator users and Approver users, which in turn are divided by the different sections:

  • The approver user for Campaign, Data Rewards and Sim App Push section will receive a notification when a campaign appears in a status of Pending Approval. This notification will be displayed in the notification center and also will be sent by email.
  • The creator user for Campaign, Data Rewards and Sim App Push section will receive a notification when a campaign will be approved, denied or when a campaign will start. These notifications will be displayed in the notification center and also will be sent by email.
  • For the Journeys Campaign, the approver and creator user will receive a notification when a status change occurs.
  • Preload Approvers will additionally receive a notification when a newer version of the app is available in the play store.


When a user has more than one role associated (for example, creator and approver), and he himself creates a campaign, the notification should not reach him, only for other users with roles of creators and approvers in the specific moments

Campaign Exception Request

For SIM App Push campaigns, it is posible to ask the admin or approver for a request to send a campaign outside predetermined times. With this, both receive a notification the moment this request is sent. The campaign approver, in turn, receives a notification after receiving a response on the request made.


A reminder is an event that is executed after a certain time when a campaign approval request has been sent in the tools where this feature is applicable; reminders are implemented with the objective that approver user has enough time to approve a campaign.

The time will vary according to the business logic governing the tool in question:

  • Reminder for Campaign.
    • When the campaign starts the same day it is scheduled, the reminder must be sent 4 hours before the campaign.
    • When the campaign starts the next day, the reminder is sent 24 hours after the request is generated.
  • Reminder for SAP
    • When the campaign starts the next day, the reminder is sent 24 hours after the request is generated

It is important to know that these reminders also will be sent via email