Client Attributes

Client Attributes are audience attributes that can be custom to each client.

To create an Audience you can use different types of rules or attributes that are user information that our SDK already collects by default.

But let's say you have other type of user information that you store in you CRM or user data base. This can be user attributes specific to your business such as type of subscription plan, categories of products purchased, level of engagement with your product etc. You can also use these specific attributes to create audiences in the DigitalReef platform. Here is how:

SDK integration:

First you need to pass in these attributes in the integration with the DigitalReef SDK to make sure our SDK is receiving this information from your servers.

You must pass in attributes in form of key-value pairs in which the key is the "name" or meta-data of each attribute and the value is the content that will be passed to this variable.

For more technical information click here.

Audience Creation:

Once the attributes have been integrated in our SDK, you can go into the Audience creation section, under "Rules" and select Client Attributes. The dropdown should show all attributes you have integrated.

Select which attribute you would like to use, define what is the logical operator you would like to apply to this attribute and write the value that this attribute must contain for users to be considered part of this audience.

For instance, let's say you wish to impact all users that are older than 21 years old. Select "age" as the attribute, "greater than" as the logical operator and "21" as the age value. Then click on add to include this as a cluster inside this audience.

Campaign Creation

Now create a new campaign and insert this newly created audience in the audiece field for that campaign.

Finally, save and approve the campaign for it to go live.