Portal Access

Signup and Registration

The first user of an Organization needs to be added by our internal team. Once this first user is created, they can add new users, as long as they have Administrator permissions: permissions

To add new users, first, users themselves need to sign up here: https://portal.digitalreef.com/signup
Users need to include the name of the Organization to which they belong in the "Company" field:


User Invitation

Once new users are registered they need to be invited into the portal by the Admin.

1. In the top right corner of the portal, click in Settings

2. Click in "+Invite new users"

3. Add the new user email and the Permissions

4. Click on Save

5. The new user will receive an email with the instruction to signup.


Using the portal requires that you login with your username and password that allows you access to your campaign content.

If login requires MFA, users will need to download the Authenticator and read the QR code on their devices. More info here: https://docs.digitalreef.com/docs/mfa

Password Recovery

If you have forgotten your password, just go to https://portal.digitalreef.com/recover-password and enter the email you registered. You will receive instructions by email to create a new password.

Make sure the email is not in the spam box.