Data Content

In the Data Exchange product, the partner receives a collection of 11 tables containing multiple information on user devices and Siprocal's campaigns. These data will allow your team to build reports and metrics according to the company's needs.

Table Groups

For update purposes tables are organized into two distinct groups: point-in-time or snapshot tables and historical or log tables.

Snapshot tables

Available snapshot tables:

Snapshot tables will be updated with the full data regarding a partner's users, devices and campaigns every update. They contain a static picture of the entities related to the partner in our systems at a specific point in time.

To use this data we advise to overwrite this table on your data warehouse daily.

Historical tables

Available snapshot tables:

Historical or log tables, on the other hand, will be updated daily by adding the most recent finished date data to its respective folder.

To use this data we advise to bulk import daily data to your data warehouse adding a sort order/partition for each date and ideally creating additional tables with different sort orders/partitions on relevant dimensions (for example, using campaignid as partition on tables that relate to campaign data) to speed up queries.

Data Dictionaries

The data dictionaries are documents associated with a specific version for a table. Each table listed above will contain a link to its own data dictionaries in the following section.

Each data dictionary contain the following sections:

General Info

This section will contain a description for the table and general comments on the available fields/columns.

Even with the schema being fixed for each version, Siprocal may change the description of fields to add clarity or new examples / possible values.


This section will contain the schema, field/column types, value examples and associated information for each column.

Table descriptions and dictionary links

Device Table

Type: Snapshot

The table contains all information related to devices where Siprocal's SDK is installed, such as device manufacturer, model, os version, phone permissions, among others.

Please note that there may be multiple entries for each user on this table, one for each app.

Dictionary Links:

Opt-ins Table

Type: Historical

The Opt-ins table contains information about the timestamp of opt-in status change and the source of this request.

Dictionary Links:

Installed Apps Table

Type: Snapshot

This table contains a dictionary with all the apps installed on the device at a certain point in time.

Dictionary Links:

Locations Table

Type: Historical

The locations table contains latitude, longitude and other location metrics for devices with permissions at a certain point in time.

Dictionary Links:

In-App Events Table

Type: Historical

This table contains the timestamp for SDK-tracked events inside an app installed on the device. The default events are:

  • Application install
  • First activity in the application
  • Application coming to foreground
  • Application going to background


  • The event tracking is only available for apps integrated with Siprocal's SDK
  • Any other configured events will appear in the table in the same format as the default ones
  • This feature was implemented on SDK version 4.0

Dictionary Links:

Surveys Table

Type: Snapshot

The survey table is a consolidated view of all Siprocal's surveys configurations, such as title, status, description, creation date, among others. There will be one row for each survey with these data.

Dictionary Links:

Survey Answers Table

Type: Historical

The survey answers table has entries for individual answer given by a user and contains how each of them answered that question, along with associated information. The information includes ids for the client, ad, survey and question as well as whether the client answered the question, the value of the answer, the method used for closing the survey and when the answer was received in Siprocals servers.

Dictionary Links:

Campaign Details Table

Type: Snapshot

The campaigns table is a consolidated view of all Siprocal's campaigns configurations, such as distribution, status, type, among others. There is a single entry per campaign on this table.

Dictionary Links:

Campaign Dispatches Table

Type: Historical

This table contains one row per campaign dispatch. A "dispatch" is a unique delivery from the point of view from our servers. Ideally each dispatch eventually becomes an impression.

Dictionary Links:

Campaign Metrics Table

Type: Historical

This table contains one row per action update per campaign dispatch. It contains information about impressions, clicks, and other campaign actions and metrics. Please note that the data regarding an impression only reaches our servers, thus this table, once it's been clicked, dismissed, or expired. This may affect campaign metrics for ongoing campaigns.

Dictionary Links:

Campaign Downloads Table

Type: Historical

This table contains the Siprocal campaigns download information, per campaign dispatch. A "download" in this case means the content of the campaign - creative, scheduling, etc - arriving successfully on the device.

Dictionary Links: