Creating audiences using Permissions

What is this?

You can generate an audience based on whether the user granted permissions to our app or not

  • Suppose you're running a location-targeted campaign.
  • Users who have withheld location permissions won't be included in this campaign due to the absence of shared location data.
  • By creating an audience comprising these individuals who have not granted Location permissions, you can subsequently tailor a campaign exclusively for them.
  • This approach not only ensures that these users receive relevant content, but also enables you to recapture engagement from those who might have been missed in the initial campaign.

How can I use this?

1 - On the Base Cluster selection, choose "Permission"

2 - Select which permissions you want to target

Yes - We have this permission.

No - We do not have this permission.

Ignore - Ignore if we have this permission or not

In the case above, we only want to target users who have not given us location permission.

3 - Refresh the Reach Count

You will have something like the image below :point-down:

4 - Name your audience

Remember to name with something clear and unique.

It will be easier for you to find and harder to mistake for another audience.

e.g "08/17/23 - X client - User without location permission"

5 - Click on "Finish" and you are set!

Hope this could be helpful to you.