
Welcome to DIGITALREEF, the next generation of mobile marketing technology that is revolutionizing how we think about marketing to users on mobile devices.  We bring an ecosystem of rich media technology to the frontline through our impactful marketing platform that provides unprecedented direct consumer access and sophisticated behavior-based targeting.

The platform enables a unique display media channel delivered to smartphones that combines instantaneous notification and messaging attributes with the richness of digital media (images, streaming audio, streaming video) and the interaction of an application. DR enables the service provider to deliver relevant, rich display campaigns to specific clusters of their customers in the form of CRM messaging, advertising, brand, and on-line marketing support. Put simply, DR platform delivers mobile advertising and marketing better.

In addition to targeted rich media marketing, DR delivers a rich customer insights platform uses the data collected across DR enabled devices. Data includes such information as:

  • Device manufacturer
  • Model
  • OS version
  • Geolocation
  • Carrier provider
  • Wifi data
  • Apps installed

DR remains PII and CPNI sensitive as DR does not collect sensitive or user identifiable information. The DR data taken in context of advertising and marketing describes user behavior empirically. As applied to CRM, IU data becomes an incredibly rich source of data from which to glean customer interests. As applied to targeted rich media marketing, DR data is an indispensable tool used to enable the DR Platform to filter and target customer behavior with curated rich media content directly on users devices.

The platform is built on a proven, robust, scalable, and carrier-grade SaaS backend and a client-side container that together can intelligently process millions of data points for customer insights research while also delivering rich media content to a Smartphone. The technology offers a true triple threat opportunity for service providers (OEMs and carriers), content providers, brands, and advertisers:

  1. Proven, cloud-based, carrier-grade infrastructure
  2. innovative and prescriptive customer insights and targeting, and
  3. unprecedented rich media marketing on target devices.